Imagine a future where your whole life revolves around social media - yeah, even more than now. In this future world, your worth, your job -- even the fate of the Earth’s space program -- depend on social media status. Likes, shares, trends – they're not just for clout, they literally run the show…this show!

Cast of Characters

Captain Quark

Self-centered, narcissistic. Slave to the algorithm. Always thinking about his image. He pursued the position of captain because it was the coolest position to have.His self-value is determined by what others think of him.

Cassiopeia Starstreamer

She’s not at all into the likes and subscriptions. But when the fate of Earth’s space program is hanging in the balance, she might bend her rules a bit and use a little dramatic music and even some CGI.


Cassiopeia's trusty streaming drone. This streambot follows Cassy around and is programmed to capture the good stuff. This small bot equipped with the latest in camera technology and with a streaming range of almost 1 parsec.


Disgruntled. Sour. Salty. Even for a Zorpian – a race of naturally cranky aliens. He resents the “demeaning” task of being put on a human ship. Dinglezorp spares no opportunity to express his distaste.


Science officer. Curious to a fault. Constantly studying everything he encounters. No matter what the situation, he’ll be trying to collect data and analyze it.

A Vision of the Future

In the rapidly evolving landscape of entertainment, there's a growing realization that the traditional Hollywood model is no longer the only path to success. As technology advances, new opportunities emerge for artists to break free from the restrictive and often oppressive studio system and take control of their own creative destinies.

This is where the power of AI and game engines like Unreal come into play. By harnessing the incredible potential of these tools, we can dramatically increase productivity, reduce costs, and empower artists to bring their unique visions to life like never before. AI is not something to be feared, but rather embraced as a powerful ally in the creative process. From helping with script development and design to streamlining production workflows, AI can be a game-changer for independent creators.

It's time to stop worrying that the big studios will replace us with AI, and realize that with AI...we can replace THEM. Imagine a world where a small team of passionate artists can create a fully-realized, professional-quality animated series or movie without the need for a massive studio budget or infrastructure. That's the world Amulet Studios is building with "Astronuts" – a project that combines the limitless possibilities of AI and real-time workflows with the boundless creativity of artists who refuse to be confined by the status quo.

So if you're an artist who's tired of playing by the old rules, if you're a visionary who wants to leverage the power of technology to bring your wildest dreams to life, then join us on this incredible journey.

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